Prenuptial Agreement If you have decided that a premarital or prenuptial agreement is the right decision for you, it is important that you and your spouse each obtain adequate and independent legal representation. While it is true that you usually do not need an attorney representing you in order to agree to a contract, premarital … Read more
Month: December 2021
Technology and your data privacy may be the last thing on your mind you are getting divorced. With that said, it’s critical to assess your digital footprint and protect your data privacy while going through a breakup. We store all of our personal information on our devices, and people are accessing their exes electronically stored … Read more
While every situation is different, it is generally advisable for a couple to enter into a premarital agreement before they get married for many reasons. Here are the top reasons why you should get a premarital agreement before taking the plunge with your significant other. Schedule a Consultation Taking Inventory An essential part of the … Read more
Message Preservation Why is it important to properly preserve text messages and messaging app content? Text messaging and messaging apps (such as WhatsApp) are one of the most popular ways that people communicate on a daily basis. Therefore, it’s no surprise that text messages, iMessages and content in popular messaging apps (such as WhatsApp messages) … Read more